Are you interested in receiving parent resources?

Our goal is to partner with you as you lead your child to become like Jesus! We send out weekly emails that have information about what your child learned while they were at True Grace Kids and some questions you can ask during the week to help engage your child in what they learned. We will also include upcoming events to keep you in the loop about anything going on in Kids Ministry.

How Check-in Works

We value your kids, and want to make sure they have an amazing experience here at church, this includes keeping them safe. One of the ways we do this is through our check-in process, which prints a name tag with a security code for pick-up, your child’s dietary restrictions and allergies for their teachers to know, and your number to reach you in case of emergency.

Before you arrive:
  • Fill out our online New Family Registration HERE – this will create your family’s information in our database for a smoother check-in process
When you arrive:
  • Check-in begins 15 minutes before each gathering and ends 15 minutes after the gathering begins.
  • Check in stations are found outside the nursery, and at the bottom of the stairs/elevator leading to the Kids Ministry area.
  • Use your phone number or last name to find your profile and click on it.
  • Select the kids you are checking in (this will put a check mark next to their names).
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the check-in box.
  • The name tags with the Child’s name can go on the child, please place it in a place that is visible and the child won’t remove it.
  • The one with the number is the guardians to keep. This number is found on your child, and lets us know that you are the guardian that checked them in.
  • If we need you for some reason during the gathering, this number will pop up on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  • If you need help with any of this or finding your child’s classroom, please ask any of our kid’s volunteers who should be wearing a Kids Team t-shirt and lanyard with their name.

Update Family Information

Something change recently for your family? Get a new addition to the family or move to a new house? Fill out the form in the link below to update your information in our database and smooth out your next Sunday morning check-in.


Child Dedication is an opportunity for you to make a public commitment before God, your family and our church that it is your goal to raise your child under the authority of God’s Word. You are committing before our church community your desire to live a life that honors the Lord while nurturing your child and leading him or her spiritually, through the help of the Holy Spirit. We usually think of Child Dedications as being for younger children, but the event is open to all parents who have not made this commitment in the past, including new believers and adoptive parents.

How often does our church do Child Dedications?

We have them twice a year. Once in the spring and in the fall during our main gatherings. You can check the church’s Upcoming Events to see when the next one will be.

Can a single parent dedicate their child?

Yes! We encourage single parents to dedicate themselves to raising their child within the foundation of God’s Word.

What age does a child have to be to be dedicated?

At True Grace Church we don’t set an age limit on dedicating your child, the average age is between 3 months and 10 years.

Are there any requirements for dedicating my child?
  • Parents have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Parents beliefs and values align with those of True Grace Church.
  • Parents are currently or will become regular attendees of True Grace Church weekend gatherings.
  • Parents participate in a Family Celebration/Child Dedication Class prior to the dedication.
  • Child Dedication is an important moment for a man and wife. If you are living in a relationship that is outside of the biblical model then we ask that you take steps to acknowledge and surrender to God’s plan for your relationship before participating in Child Dedications. If you have additional questions please contact any of our pastoral staff.
What is the process?

Step 1:
Register online to participate in Child Dedications. Registration will be available on the Upcoming Events page as the next Family Celebration/Child Dedication Class approaches.

Step 2:
Attend the Family Celebration/Child Dedication Class. It is required that both parents attend this class together. This is a special evening of learning more about the dedication service and Christian parenting. A photographer will be available to capture the event with you and your family. Also, ministry to kids will be provided while parents attend the class. A light dessert will be served. 

Step 3:
Invite your family and friends to celebrate during a weekend gathering.

What if I can't attend the Family Celebration/Child Dedication Class?

If you are unable to attend this class, we welcome you to our next celebration. We can also do a private family dedication that is not in the main gathering. For this option please contact our kids pastor.

Additional Questions?

For additional questions please email us at