Understanding Baptism

Water Baptism

We are excited about your desire to follow Jesus. Water baptism is our way of telling the Lord and those around us, “I’m all in.” The Bible instructs us to “Repent and be baptized” (Acts 2:38). When you get baptized you are making a very bold statement that you are no longer living for yourself, but you are serving the Lord with the life He has given you. Because baptism is such a meaningful step, we recommend that kids wait until they are old enough to recognize their sin, and make the decision to turn from that sin (usually around the age of 12). If you are under the age of 12, we ask that you sit down with a pastor for a short interview.

Baptism is not the moment you give your life to Christ. It is the moment you join all Christ followers throughout history in the symbolic act of leaving your old life behind and coming up out of the water a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. You are not “cleaned up” by the water and your sins are not physically washed away. You are illustrating to yourself, your world, and God that you have decided to be different. In effect you are saying, I will not live to please myself. I am going to sincerely lay my life down and with God’s help I will pick it back up again and fully live for Him.

Water baptism is a command of Jesus. He modeled it for us. It is the mark of a Christ follower. If you are following Him, do not let anything or anyone keep you from this very important step in your faith.

If you still have questions about water baptism, please ask. We want your water baptism to be a meaningful and significant moment in your life.

Application for Water Baptism

Interested in being water baptized and taking that step of faith?

Send us an email at or fill out an application below.

Information for Baptismal Candidates

After you submit your application, you will be contacted to schedule a time to record a brief video of your testimony.

During this appointment you will be asked these simple questions:
• When did you give your life to Christ?
• What were the events surrounding your salvation?
• Why did you decide to be baptized?

On the day of your baptism, please wear dark colored clothing and pants (no white or shorts please), and bring these items with you:
• A towel
• Change of clothes
• Plastic bag for wet clothing

You might be nervous about getting baptized. You will have a sense that God is pleased with you, and you will feel that He is proud of you. Remember, though your baptism is a public confession of your faith, you are doing it to honor the Lord.